Almost forgeot about this blog. Been trying to think of something to blog about. I realised that if I have to think of something then I am trying to hard, just go with it. So here I am trying to express myself through this fine art of technology beneath me. Anyways.....
Today I had a good buddy take off from Taiwan today. A quality individual. I am really happy that I came to Taiwan and met him. It was wierd today thinking that he was leaving. I mean I have grown accustomed to calling Taiwan my home, and realised today that it really isn't. Ryno left for "Nan Fei" as they call South Africa here today. I found myself sad today. I am not an over emotional person, nor do I really show my true feelings, I dunno why. But the fact that I was losing a buddy, no let me rephrase that, a good friend was leaving and it could mean that I never see him again, there thats better, made me feel sad. Going out with the group of boys that we have established here just won't be the same anymore without"rainbow". Myself and a group of buds conquered the full moon party of Ko Phangan a few mnths ago and it will be something I never forget. Well I actually can't because Trevor video taped the trip!! Sweet. Anyhoo good dude, had good times. As we parted our ways we both made an agreement that he and Andrew and I will definitely have to meet again either back in the motherland or on Nan Fei.
I wish that somehow I could transport this bubble of friends here back to Canada or wherever and replicate that attitude and way of life back home. Dream on! The lifestyle here( In Taichung) is unreal. When I think of living back home all I can think about is
stress. It's a big competition to see who can buy the biggest house the nicest car and so on. Worrying about everything. Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhh! I dunno life here just seems to be pretty chill.
I have everything I need here. I got wheels, a HOME, small but all I really need complete with a cat, a computer, camera, and now a minature jukebox. I have all the possessions one needs.
This also brought me back to the reality that I will be leaving as well. I have been here 15 months now and cannot contemplate where the time has gone. I really don't know what to do. Some days I feel as if it ain't real, that I'm leaving, because life is good here, I like it. Why have to change again? My friends here are amazing people. People I want to have around all the time. I really ksut don't know how to prepare myself for the upcoming change. I don't want to leave but I need to get back and finish up my schooling. boo erns!!
Ok cheerio, derka alah, and a hoe jyea daaaaaaaaarvan, safe travels rainbow you will be missed by all!!