Sunday, October 16, 2005

Derka Derka

Herrrrrrrro!! So.....ummmm. Ya. This is me. Simple. But picky. Procratinating. But optomistic. Figured I'd get into the whole blog thingy. Doing some of the brain using stuff and er typing complete or simple or even complex run-on sentences once in awhile. I'm usually not the "write things down to remember them later" type, but I figured that down the line I may forget a few of the small details. So here is the first of a few(hopefully more) entries into some of the things I cram into this cranium of mine. Still trying to figure out how this blog works with all the pictures and the adding of links and counters. One day. Oh yes one day I will be able to type and chew gum at the same time. Enjoy! or not.


1 comment:

SuperP. said...

WELCOME!! This is where you turn inside out and show us all your stuff! Sweet.